Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment

No More Battlefield 4 CTE

No More Battlefield 4 CTE Content: The Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment has been dead now for over three months, no players and no signs of life from the dev team which has made this news no shock at all. David Sirland Producer at.

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Battlefield 4 Community Map – Dev Alpha

This patch contains: Battlefield 4 Community Map Updates, Netcode & High tickrate updates, Gameplay Updates, Land Vehicle updates, Air Vehicle Gameplay Updates, check the thread out for the full list. Today’s update continues on the bug fixes and optimizations for Operation Outbreak – and.

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Battlefield 4 Community Map – Team Deathmatch

Team Death Match is now testing on the Battlefield 4 Community Map but that’s not it, the squad have added 2x Team Death Match areas, 2x Gunmaster areas, 1x Squad Death match and a load of net-code updates. Our third vote resulted in a.

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Battlefield 4 Community Map – Conquest Release 2

The Battlefield 4 community map squad have fired out yet another update for the upcoming map, in this new update it contains changes such as: New improved temple, Summer Patch coherence, Better Ghost town area cover and lots more. Dragon Valley 2015 Release: There.

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Battlefield 4 CTE Community Map – Release #1

The Battlefield 4 CTE Community map is progressing very well and in this update it not only updates the CTE but has updated a lot on the community map such as: New Palm oil plantation layout, New lighting across the map. Russia is now.

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Battlefield 4 Dragon Valley Legacy Operations

Battlefield 4 Dragon Valley Legacy Operations: I managed to squeeze in some action and cinematic shots of the map, most people do not take a step back to appreciate the art that has gone into making the final product. We must say here at.

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Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment – Xbox One

Many of you will now be glad to hear “Xbox One” users can now participate in the Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment and having played it on PC i can say it is pretty awesome trying out the new stuff before it is released..

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Battlefield 4 Dragon Valley Walkabout

I have created this Battlefield 4 Dragon Valley Walkabout for you so i can show you what the Dragon Valley map looks like now it has been re-made. Please bare in mind this Battlefield 4 Dragon Valley Footage video is about showing you the.

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Battlefield 4 Classic Map Dragon Valley

Battlefield 4 CTE Classic Map Project – Well what can i say? I am so happy DICE decided to listen to us veterans and pick one of the best Battlefield 2 maps ever created to be re-made in Battlefield 4. Drum rolls please!! The.

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Battlefield 4 CTE Update #52

Battlefield 4 CTE Update #52: Yet another patch has been released for the Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment and this time it brings changes and updates to the tanks! So if you are a Battlefield 4 Tank lover you will probably enjoy this latest.

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