Battlefield Vietnam

Battlefield Vietnam 10 Year Anniversary

Battlefield Vietnam 10 Year Anniversary: 10 years have now passed since the DICE classic Battlefield Vietnam saw the light of day. To celebrate this very special 10-year-old, join us for a trip down memory lane, fuelled by “Ride of the Valkyries”. Battlefield Vietnam is.

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Battlefield Vietnam Game Images

Battlefield Vietnam Game Images: DICE’s follow-up to Battlefield 1942 explored another iconic setting of war. Released in 2004, Battlefield Vietnam was designed with asymmetrical warfare in mind, meaning the military hardware differed heavily between the U.S. and Vietnamese side. Battlefield Vietnam Images: The American.

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Battlefield Vietnam Soundtrack

Battlefield Vietnam Soundtrack: Released in 2004, Battlefield Vietnam was designed with asymmetrical warfare in mind, meaning the military hardware differed heavily between the U.S. and Vietnamese side. The American side’s heavy tanks and helicopters were pitted against the anti-vehicle gear and mobile spawn points.

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