Battlefield 3 Teamspeak 3 Humour

Battlefield 3 Teamspeak 3 Humour

Battlefield 3 Teamspeak 3 Humour: A random, funny and humorous Serbian guy joins our Battlefield Informer Community Teamspeak 3 Server and sings to the BFI crew.

Battlefield 3 Teamspeak 3 Humour: This guy rammbles on a little but it was quite random and kind of funny, so i thought i would share it with you all if interested?

Note: Please be aware that this live recording with my team does contain some small amounts of bad language!

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Ramp up the intensity in Battlefield 3 and enjoy total freedom to fight the way you want. Explore nine massive multiplayer maps and use loads of vehicles, weapons, and gadgets to help you turn up the heat. Plus, every second of battle puts you closer to unlocking tons of extras.

Play to your strengths. The Battlefield 3 four player classes: Assault, Engineer, Support and Recon, each have their specialties, and working together is key to victory. Official Release Date: October 28, 2011.

You can find all the latest Battlefield 3 updates and news here.