Battlefield 3 Video – Image

Battlefield 3 Boot Camp: Offensive Jet Tactics

Battlefield 3 Boot Camp Offensive Jet Tactics: Every week Jonno Stanton is joined by Battlefield 3 experts to discuss some of the best ways to play as a team and achieve objectives. This week, Toby Connolly talks about offensive tactics when piloting jets. Equip.

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Battlefield 3 Boot Camp: Engineer Class

Battlefield 3 Boot Camp: Engineer Class. Taking Out Vehicles – On this week’s Battlefield Boot Camp Toby Connolly talks about taking out vehicles with the Engineer. The Engineer class offers a number of tools for disabling enemy vehicles and restoring allies. Find a load.

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Battlefield 3 Get To Tha Choppa!

Battlefield 3 Get To Tha Choppa!: Here is some awesome Battlefield 3 combat chopper footage remixed into a dramatic and epic sound track. The maps featured in this video are Bandar Desert, Nebandan Flats and most of all Operation Riverside which are all on.

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Battlefield 3 AH-6J Little Bird

I have noticed many Battlefield 3 players out there still avoid the Battlefield 3 AH-6J Little Bird like it has a rare and deadly disease. Used correctly the Battlefield 3 AH-6J Little Bird can be very effective on the Battlefield, being able to attack.

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Battlefield 3 End Game Quick Play #3

Battlefield 3 End Game Quick Play #3: Here is something else to watch instead of the bled dry 17 minute Battlefield 4 Trailer! This Battlefield 3 End Game “Quick Play” is all out about attacking, but be warned i have gone kinda dark in.

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Battlefield 3 Danger Zone Remix

Battlefield 3 Danger Zone Remix: I thought i would answer a lot of questions for some people who have been asking me why do i play Battlefield 3? Well it is simple really, we have been a lover of Battlefield games since Battlefield 1942.

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Battlefield 3 Combat Chopper Ownage (PC)

Battlefield 3 Combat Chopper: You will notice in my videos i keep a good eye on the jets as i find them to be one of the biggest threats whilst flying. Jets will annoy the hell out of you, and then most times they.

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Battlefield 3 The Dark Side Remix

The voices in this video are Uprising, Rudeboy and old man Metwinge! Maps are Battlefield 3 Wake island and Strike at Karkand. This is just a crazy video of some awesome action! Battlefield 3 The Dark Side Remix by Battlefield Informer You can check.

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Battlefield 3 Revisited Interview

Battlefield 3 Revisited Interview: Matt Cuttle travelled to Stockholm to speak to Executive Producer Patrick Bach, GM Karl-Magnus Troedsson and Creative Director Lars Gustavsson about their time refining the franchise. You can check out more Battlefield videos in our Video Gallery or our YouTube.

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Battlefield 3 End Game Quick Play #2

Battlefield 3 End Game Quick Play #2: When playing Battlefield games many gamers tend to only stick to what they know whether it being Tanks, Jets, choppers or just simple ground pounding. I like to class myself as an “all rounder” a gamer who.

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