Battlefield 3 Donya Fortress Trailer

Battlefield 3 Donya Fortress Trailer

Battlefield 3 Donya Fortress Trailer: Here is the second official gameplay trailer from the upcoming expansion pack Close Quarters and it showcases the map Donya Fortress in all its destructive glory.

You can also see the new game mode Conquest Domination in action here in this trailer, this being a mix of the tactical classic Conquest mode that you all love, and the instant action gameplay featured on these tight maps.

Battlefield 3 Close Quarters Donya Fortress Trailer

The HD Destruction in the Close Quarters Expasion Pack lets players riddle the entire environment with bullets, reducing entire locales to ruin. Everything from furniture to plaster can be shot to pieces and destroyed, and players can see the result of the mayhem as rubble and broken pieces pile up on the floor. The tight level design has many different and new opportunities for vertical gameplay, which mean all players will need to bring their A game to the table if they want to stay alive in this highly competitive theatre of war that takes no prisoners.

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