Battlefield 4 Technical

Battlefield 4 CTE Update #52

Battlefield 4 CTE Update #52: Yet another patch has been released for the Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment and this time it brings changes and updates to the tanks! So if you are a Battlefield 4 Tank lover you will probably enjoy this latest.

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Battlefield 4 Battlelog App Features

The Battlefield 4 Battlelog App now features 1on1 chats, simply head to your friends profile page and start the chat. Want Group chats? Want to add more people to the chat? Just hit settings, add more people and your good to go. We are.

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Battlefield 4 Community Map Blockout v2 #48

The team over at DICE have not long released a new CTE patch, this patch/update addresses things such as: Night map updates, High Frequency server Updates, Misc Updates and of course the Community Map Project – Theme Blockout v2. In today’s update we have.

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Battlefield 4 Spring Patch Brings Weapons And Modes

What will this Battlefield 4 Spring Patch bring to the game? Here is just a taster.. Gun Master game mode, Five new weapons, PC Stability & Netcode Updates, Full weapons balance pass. Want more? Read on! DICE continues to constantly improve Battlefield 4 to.

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Battlefield 4 CTE Server Stability

To try and finalize the Battlefield 4 CTE spring patch EA/DICE will be removing bits and pieces from the game in order to get there server stability as smooth as possible. You can find the full Battlefield 4 CTE Testing schedule below. Hi there!.

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Battlefield 4 CTE Google Chrome NPAPI

Battlefield 4 CTE Google Chrome users have been having issues with battlelog since DICE released there lastest update, the Battlefield 4 CTE is asking users to enable the browsers NPAPI. This can been done automatically or manually so if you are having issues with.

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Battlefield 4 Community Map Project Update

I am sure you have seen this but i will post it anyway, DICE are saying that the Community Map will soon be in production for Battlefield 4 and want to thank you for all the feedback and input you have put forward. The.

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Battlefield 4 CTE Spring Patch #40

A new Battlefield 4 CTE Spring update has just hit the Battlefield 4 Community Test Environment and it brings fixes for weapons, sound crashes, night vision, gun master mode and a few other things. Today’s release includes a potential fix for the dreaded “sound”.

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Battlefield 4 Netcode Improvements

The Battlefield 4 winter update is now complete and it brings a large amount of changes and improvements to net-code and gameplay. Vincent0K goes over the changes to Aiming, zooming, Network prioritization, Ranked Preset support and more. PATCH HIGHLIGHTS The Winter patch contains a.

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Battlefield 4 Server Outages 26-12-2014

Battlefield 4 Server Outages 26-12-2014: As of an hour or so ago, we have updated the messaging across Battlelog with the following. We are aware of the connectivity issues that some players are experiencing and are working together with our partners to solve them..

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