Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure Available

Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure Available

If you are a night map kind of player you will be happy to hear that the Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure map is available to all players not just Premium Members. This Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure map is originally a extra map for the Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass expansion pack and is French themed.

This is the second night map for Battlefield 1 and builds upon the theme of the Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass expansion pack, focused on the French army and the Western Front. Gameplay-wise, it is one of the smaller and more close-combat focused maps in the game.

Battlefield 1 Prise de Tahure is now available for all Battlefield 1 players. This map had been released as a bonus map and the second night time map of the first expansion, Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass. Set in the Butte-de-Tahure region, the map features a city setting that’s been devastated by artillery and war between German and French troops.

In Prise de Tahure, the alleyways create dangerous access routes that can make for difficult night-time battles. While escaping a firefight can be just as simple as rounding a corner, stumbling into one can be even easier. Even experienced players can get a little lost in this sprawling, urban maze.

Still not sure what this is all about? Check out some of the videos here: Battlefield 1 – Videos