The Battlefield 1 Galicia Map is a moody murky and scarred map and suites the Battlefield environment perfectly, this Battlefield 1 Galicia Map allows many game modes such as, Conquest, Rush, War Pigeons and more.
What is the Battlefield 1 Galicia Map?
Galicia is a medium to large map focused on use of trench lines, railway track defense and rolling hills.
Where and when is the map set?
Galicia takes place during the Brusilov Offensive to the south of the Carpathian Mountains, a battlefield scarred from recent action amidst the mud and snow. The Hussars are out in their natural hunting ground as the hills roll on.
How can I play Galicia?
If you’re an owner of a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass, you have access to Galicia. When active, you can also take advantage of Battlefield 1 Premium Friends which lets you play the map if you squad up with a Battlefield 1 Premium Pass owner, or Battlefield 1 Premium Trials which works similarly, but without the need to join a friend**.
What armies are available?
On Galicia, you can play as the Russian Army or as the Austro-Hungarian forces as the Russian Army continues to push back the opposing force. With Russia entering the fight, this is a chance to play as the largest army in the world in WW1 – on the largest front of WW1.
What game modes can I play on Galicia?
You will be able to play Galicia on classic Battlefield modes such as Conquest and Rush but also Operations. For more infantry focused playstyles, you can enter the fray in Domination, Team Deathmatch, and War Pigeons.
What weapons and vehicles are available on Galicia?
With Battlefield 1 Premium Pass, weapons from previously-released expansion packs and the upcoming Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar expansion pack are available on Galicia. In the game modes that support them, you’ll also have access to vehicles like cavalry, armored cars and air support.
How does the Verehia River affect the flow of the match?
There’s an unassuming crook in the Verehia River that is pockmarked by constant artillery fire from previous encounters. Initially it was of little significance to the forces, now it has become a critical survival point for soldiers as they hide in craters and cling to the rocks while the Russians are ever pressing in their fight for victory.
Why is Galicia so fun to play?
Galicia features a wide array of different themes, rolling hills where the Hussars can and will easily pick off enemy targets. The Verehia River can be crossed by bridge or through the water at several locations but beware as you could be in the crosshairs of an enemy sniper. Through the forest line shows signs of an Austro-Hungarian artillery installation as they begin to fend off the approaching Russian Empire.