Prepare 4 Battle Soldiers! Make sure you have the required HDD space to run BF4 on your X360. Battlefield 4 on the Xbox 360 will come with two discs: one for multiplayer, the other for single player.
The first time you start your game, regardless of which disc you use, you will be asked to perform a required installation of 2 GB worth of game content to your hard drive.
Note, the above-required and below-additional installations can only be installed on Xbox 360 hard disk drives, and cannot be installed to USB drives, or other alternative storage devices.
Battlefield 4 cannot be installed and played on an Xbox with a 4GB internal flash drive, unless you have installed an official Xbox hard drive. Please keep in mind that it won’t support any kind of flash or USB connected hard drives.
You will have the option to accept the 2GB install or quit. Quitting will return you to the Xbox dashboard, and you will not be able to play Battlefield 4.
As with many Xbox 360 titles, in addition to the required installation each disc can be installed to your hard drive to minimize game disc access and improve load times.
These additional installations are not required, but doing so can further improve and speed up your Battlefield 4 experience.
The Multiplayer Disc, or Disc 1, has an additional 6.6 GB of content
The Single Player Disc, or Disc 2, has 5.8 GB of installation content
Note: Be sure you install the mandatory installation content before you try installing each game disc’s content.
If you do try to install the optional disc-content before the required game data installation, your install will stop before completion, and ask you to install again.
If your install does fail due to installing content in the incorrect order, your second or subsequent attempts at installing the required content should complete successfully.