Battlefield 3 Video

Battlefield 3 AH-6J Little Bird

I have noticed many Battlefield 3 players out there still avoid the Battlefield 3 AH-6J Little Bird like it has a rare and deadly disease. Used correctly the Battlefield 3 AH-6J Little Bird can be very effective on the Battlefield, being able to attack.

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Battlefield 3 End Game Quick Play #3

Battlefield 3 End Game Quick Play #3: Here is something else to watch instead of the bled dry 17 minute Battlefield 4 Trailer! This Battlefield 3 End Game “Quick Play” is all out about attacking, but be warned i have gone kinda dark in.

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Battlefield 3 Danger Zone Remix

Battlefield 3 Danger Zone Remix: I thought i would answer a lot of questions for some people who have been asking me why do i play Battlefield 3? Well it is simple really, we have been a lover of Battlefield games since Battlefield 1942.

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Battlefield 3 The Dark Side Remix

The voices in this video are Uprising, Rudeboy and old man Metwinge! Maps are Battlefield 3 Wake island and Strike at Karkand. This is just a crazy video of some awesome action! Battlefield 3 The Dark Side Remix by Battlefield Informer You can check.

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Battlefield 3 End Game Quick Play #2

Battlefield 3 End Game Quick Play #2: When playing Battlefield games many gamers tend to only stick to what they know whether it being Tanks, Jets, choppers or just simple ground pounding. I like to class myself as an “all rounder” a gamer who.

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Battlefield 3 HD Radeon 7970

Check out this awesome Battlefield 3 Gameplay Montage created and edited by our very own BFI-Metwinge using a HD Radeon 7970. If you like our videos please rate them and don’t forget to subscribe. You can check out more Battlefield videos in our Video.

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Battlefield 3 T-Bag Workout: Humour

Battlefield 3 T-Bag Workout: Ever since Battlefield 2 i have had this thing about T-Bagging my victims, i find by T-Bagging my victims it finishes off the kill perfectly and it is also funny! Please Note: If i have T-Bagged you please do not.

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Battlefield 3 Cinematic Mix

Battlefield 3 Cinematic (Pre-Release). I (KinJO187) have created this video to do two things. First to show you some awesome footage and second to inspire you to come join us on the Battlefield and game with our team! Battlefield is a team-play game it.

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Battlefield 3 Sucks: Humour

Battlefield 3 Sucks: A bit of humour here for you guys and gals, i know this video is a month old or so but i really just had to show you a typical Troll boring everyone to death and getting all his facts wrong..

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