Battlefield 4 Community Missions Update

Battlefield 4 Community Missions Update

The DICE Community Missions during the Player Appreciation Month have been great examples of cooperation in the Battlefield 4 community.

The first Mission, where we challenged you to grab 10,000,000 dog tags in just six days, was a success.

As a reward, all participating players across all formats will receive a Gold Battlepack entitled to their Origin account on February 20. We salute you.

We would also like to applaud your efforts in the DICE Community Mission where we challenged you to destroy 50 million vehicles in six days. With an end result of 46 190 615 million land, air, and sea units blown to bits, you came extremely close to succeeding. It seems like the Battlefield is also full of drivers skilled at using counter-measures!

Going forward, the third DICE Community Mission will start this Friday, February 21. We’re holding off with the details for that one just a little bit longer, but stay tuned to the Battlefield Blog for all the Intel. This time we urge you all: Go for Gold!

Embrace unrivaled destruction in Battlefield 4. Revel in the glorious chaos of all-out war packed with rewarding, tactical challenges in an interactive environment. Demolish the buildings shielding your enemy and lead an assault from the back of a gun boat and much more.

You have the freedom to do more and be more, playing to your strengths and carving your own path to victory. There is no comparison. Immerse yourself in the glorious chaos of all-out war.

Official Release Date: November 1, 2013. You can find all the latest Battlefield 4 Updates and News here.