Battlefield 4 fans can upgrade from the current generation of consoles to the next generation of entertainment. That’s why today we are clarifying the offers that will make the transition effortless, and saving you money.
On October 29, DICE will launch Battlefield 4 on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Experience the pinnacle of this generation of gaming with best-in-class multiplayer warfare, spectacular visuals and massive destruction. A few weeks later, we’ll bring the ultimate all-out-war experience to the next generation of consoles. Battlefield 4 will be available for PlayStation 4 starting November 12 in North America and November 29 in Europe, and Xbox One starting November 19 in North America and November 22 in Europe.
Don’t wait to get into the action. You can buy the game on current-gen and benefit from up to three weeks of play time – time that can be used to rank up, giving you a competitive advantage on the next-gen battlefield. We respect the time you will invest in playing and don’t want you to lose all of your effort when you upgrade to next-gen. That is why we are making it easy to carry forward your multiplayer stats and your Battlefield 4 Premium membership. No more worrying about starting all over again. Your rank, score, K/D ratio, wins, time played, service stars, dog tags taken, vehicles destroyed, repairs, revives, squad score, accuracy and more will all transfer to next-gen consoles at launch.
Below are the details of how you can buy now and upgrade easily later.
PlayStation Offers
All Retailers (EU, US)
Inside marked copies of Battlefield 4 for PlayStation®3 there will be a voucher with a unique code printed on it. This code will allow you the one-time opportunity until March 28, 2014 to purchase a digital version of Battlefield 4 via the PlayStation®Store for only $9.99/£9.99/9.99€. Check back here soon for more details.
GameStop (EMEA)
Trade in your copy of Battlefield 4 on PS3 and buy the PS4 version of the game for €14.99. Offer valid until December 31, 2013 or until supply lasts. Ask in-store for more details.
Amazon (Germany)
Until December 31, 2103 or while supplies last, Battlefield 4 players can trade in their PS3 copy and get a 25 € bonus credit towards the game on PS4 in addition to their trade-in value of at least 25 €. For complete rules and details head on over to
For Battlefield fans in the UK, GAME will be giving PS3 players approximately £40 in trade in value when you upgrade to Battlefield 4 on PS4. Offer valid until December 24, 2013. Head over to GAME for complete details and information.
GAME (Spain)
Trade in your copy of Battlefield 4 on PS3 and buy the PS4 version of the game for €14.99. Offer valid until December 31, 2013 or until supply lasts. Ask in-store for more details.
Microsoft Offers
GameStop (US)
GameStop Power Up Rewards members can trade in Battlefield 4 on Xbox 360 for the Battlefield 4 standard edition on Xbox One for only $9.99. Offer valid until December 31, 2013 or until supply lasts. Check out GameStop for complete rules and details regarding this offer.
GameStop (EMEA)
Trade in your copy of Battlefield 4 on Xbox 360 and buy the Xbox One version of the game for €14.99. Offer valid until December 31, 2013 or until supply lasts. Ask in-store for more details.
Amazon (US)
Until December 31, 2013 or while supplies last, Battlefield 4 players can trade in their Xbox 360 copy and get a $25 bonus credit towards the game on Xbox One in addition to their trade-in value of at least $25. For complete rules and details head on over to
Amazon (Germany)
Until December 31, 2103 or while supplies last, Battlefield 4 players can trade in their Xbox 360 copy and get a 25 € bonus credit towards the game on Xbox One in addition to their trade-in value of at least 25 €. For complete rules and details head on over to
Best Buy (US)
Purchase a copy of Battlefield 4 on Xbox 360 and trade up to Xbox One for as low as $9.99. Trade in of Xbox 360 edition and purchase of Xbox One edition must occur by December 31, 2013. For full details on the offer visit the Best Buy.
GAME will be giving Xbox 360 players approximately £40 in trade in value when you upgrade to Battlefield 4 on Xbox One. Offer ends December 24, 2013. Head over to GAME for complete details and information.
GAME (Spain)
Trade in your copy of Battlefield 4 on Xbox 360 and buy the Xbox One version of the game for €14.99. Offer valid until December 31, 2013 or until supply lasts. Ask in-store for more details.
Microsoft Store (US)
Buy Battlefield 4 on Xbox 360 and you can trade-in later for the Xbox One version for only $9.99. ​The offer is valid at Microsoft Store locations until December 31, 2013. Visit for more details.
Other participating retailers
We’ll keep you posted on additional opportunities to make your Battlefield 4 transition from current-gen to next-gen easier, and feel free to check with your favorite local retailer to see if they are offering similar upgrade options.