Battlefield 4 Beta Official Information

Battlefield 4 Beta Official Information

Battlefield 4 Beta Official Information: crash7800 BF3 Community Manager has not long posted some official information about Battlefield 4 and the upcoming beta!

He adds what will be supported In Battlefield 4:
The beta will be in Fall of 2013. We don’t have a BF4 release date yet but, of course, it will be after the beta.

We will continue to support BF3. DICE and EA are dedicated to continuing our support for Battlefield 3. Just as we’ve continued to support and maintain Bad Company 2, we intend to continue providing the best Battlefield 3 experience we can well into the future and past the release of End Game and Battlefield 4.

There are several teams at DICE. Starting work on Battlefield 4 does not mean that we will be abandoning Battlefield 3 or working any less hard to bring you the best expansions we can.

Official details regarding BF4 will always be on We expect there to be a lot of rumours and speculation – don’t fall for it! 😉

Let me know if you guys have other concerns. Obviously, at this point there are some things that we don’t know or that we’re keeping under wraps.

Additional points of clarification
There will be other ways to get into the beta aside from MoH Warfighter. At this time, however, it is the only way to guarantee entry.

We’ve been seeing a lot of concerns about the pacing of release (i.e. “only” two years after BF3). I think it’s worth noting that DICE has released a Battlefield game every two years or sooner AND Mirror’s Edge (EDITED for clarity). I truly believe that we’re in one of the best positions to be creating our next title – Frostbite 2 has matured, we’ve been gathering fan feedback like crazy, Battlefield 3 continues to expand with features which we can learn from, and we’ve got more data about how people play than ever.

Additional clarification
Things that we recognize that there is a serious desire for, including but not exclusive to:

A better VOIP solution
Battle Recorder
Spectator Mode
More robust eSports support

But in my honest opinion this was all promised in Battlefield 3, so i really would not hold my breath as they will promise it again in Battlefield 5!