Here is some Battlefield 2 5v5 Pro League footage from back in 2007. It has lost quality due to it being downloaded from a Google backup, but i have tried to clean it up a bit with this remaster.
Me (KinJO187) and my team Special Operation forces (SoF) had some great and epic times playing in the Battlefield 2 5v5 Pro League and Ladder (Teamwarfare League) and stuff like this is truly missed, and it would be nice if one day we manage to get this level of quality back to a Battlefield game.
Anyone who was part of playing any league or ladder matches in Battlefield 2 and was dedicated to it will know it was hard work but so much fun indeed, especially when you win the match. I have tried to make the videos a bit more watchable as the quality is from back in 2007 from in-game battle recordings, and shows some of the matches we had within the league, and if you were one of my team members from back then please get in touch it would be great to hear from you.
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