Battlefield 1 Aries Zodiac Mission

Battlefield 1 Aries Zodiac Mission

Get ready, the Battlefield 1 Aries Zodiac Mission begins tomorrow. Your Aries Dog Tag awaits.

Battlefield 1 Aries Zodiac Mission: You must get 25 kills with explosives to get the Battlefield 1 Aries Dog Tag.

The explosives you must use to complete this mission are as follows:

Frag Grenade.
Anti-tank Grenade.
Anti-Tank Mine.
Light Anti-Tank Grenade.
Tripwire Bomb: High Explosive.
Limpet Charge.
Crowssbow Launcher: High Explosive.
Rifle Explosive: High Explosive.
Mortar: High Explosive.
Impact Grenade.

Battlefield 1 takes you back to The Great War, WW1, where new technology and worldwide conflict changed the face of warfare forever. Take part in every battle, control every massive vehicle, and execute every maneuver that turns an entire fight around. The whole world is at war, see what’s beyond the trenches.

Official Release Date: October 20, 2016. You can find all the latest Battlefield 1 updates and news here.