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Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike drops gamers deep into a desperate conflict for control of Earth’s last scraps of inhabitable land following the onset of a cataclysmic new ice age. The Pan-Asian Coalition (PAC) has secretly moved into mainland Europe, using abandoned urban areas to establish new strongholds in a last-ditch push for superiority.

Battlefield 2142 Northern Strike has been rated T for Teen by the ESRB and was developed at the EA Digital Illusions (DICE) studio in Stockholm, Sweden. Release Date: 8 March 2007
Battlefield 2142 Northern Strike - 1
Battlefield 2142 Northern Strike - 1
Battlefield 2142 Northern Strike drops gamers deep into a desperate conflict for control of Earth’s last scraps of inhabitable land following the onset of a cataclysmic new ice age.

The Pan-Asian Coalition (PAC) has secretly moved into mainland Europe, using abandoned urban areas to establish new strongholds in a last-ditch push for superiority. The European Union must quickly mobilize north to dislodge PAC forces from a series of urban strongholds and regain the upper hand. Learn more: Battlefield 2142 Northern Strike.