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Battlefield 2042 Portal

Battlefield 2042 Portal (Battlefield Portal) is a community-driven platform within the Battlefield 2042 game that will let you create and find fantastic experiences made by the series’ creative and passionate community.

The creation suite includes Settings, custom modes, and a Logic Editor so you can build your own signature spin on Battlefield’s sandbox. Learn More About: Battlefield 2042 Portal
Battlefield 2042 Portal Rules Editor - 3
Battlefield 2042 Portal Rules Editor - 3
Here is an example of what it looks like once you start building via the Rules Editor.

Looking for help? The URL that's active while viewing your experience is reflective of the current state of your Mode. Save your experience, and send the hyperlink to a friend, and they’re able to work on it independently of you. They can view your Experience and give you pointers, or Duplicate it themselves and make their own edits independent of your original Experience. Sharing URLs is very powerful -- it lets other players see your game and make a copy for themselves.

When you’re ready to publish your experience, you can create a title and description of the mode and generate an Experience Code. Use this in game, or share it with others so that they can start up servers that run your experience. On publish, we’ll help to validate that the server is good to go, and assign it a selection of appropriate tags. Learn more: Battlefield 2042 Portal Extended Look