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Battlefield V Class / Elites

What Are Classes?
The iconic Classes of Recon, Support, Assault, and Medic return in Battlefield V, each with distinct weapons and gadgets that help you forge a squad that can control any fight. Progress your Class to unlock new traits and customization's as you play.

Battlefield V Elites
Bring personality to the battlefield with Elite skins featuring signature looks, personas, voices*, and melee weapons. Elites are primarily obtained with Battlefield Currency but do not affect gameplay.
Battlefield V Assault Class - 1
Battlefield V Assault Class - 1
The Battlefield V Assault Class is the door-kicker, always out front and best when it comes to close or medium range battles. Choose this Class if you want to lead an attack or clear out dug-in, stubborn enemies in the nooks and crannies of an area. Although lacking the outright stopping power of a sniper rifle or suppression of an LMG or MMG, good positioning can let you rain down accurate potshots at enemies from a distance and use gadgets to obliterate some vehicles.

Assault offers a balance of offense and defense in most situations – both anti-infantry and the Class best equipped to leave vehicles in a fiery heap. However, it’s difficult for the Assault Class to hard-counter sniper fire, so be careful not to get caught out in the open.

Weapons and Gadgets
Assault comes equipped with weapons that have effective hip-fire and respectable range. Their gadgets can weaken or destroy some vehicles, topple Fortifications, and wipe out a nest of enemies with one well-placed sticky dynamite or grenade.

Weapons and gadgets are set per Class and more can be unlocked just by playing. Weapons can be customized as part of your Company.

Primary Weapon Categories
Assault Rifles
Semi-Automatic Rifles

Starter Gadgets
Rifle Grenade Launcher
Sticky Dynamite

Learn More: Battlefield V Assault Class – Combat Roles