Gallery » Battlefield 4 » Battlefield 4 Vehicles » Battlefield 4 Q-5 Fantan

This Battlefield image category covers images for Battlefield 4 Vehicles such as: Battlefield 4 Helicopters, Battlefield 4 Jets, Battlefield 4 Tanks, Battlefield 4 Anti-Air, Battlefield 4 Watercraft (ie, boats, personal watercraft, amphibious combat vehicles), Battlefield 4 Transport Vehicles and Battlefield 4 Infantry Fighting Vehicles.
Battlefield 4 Q-5 Fantan
Battlefield 4 Q-5 Fantan
Battlefield 4 Q-5 Fantan - Attack Jet
The Q-5 [Qiang-5 Attack-5, the export version being designated A-5] is a single-seat, twin-engine supersonic fighter developed by the Nanchang Aircraft Company of China. It offers enhanced combat performance particularly at low and super-low altitude. It is the latest renovated type equipped with imported navigation and attack systems

It is used mainly to assist ground troops in attacking concentrated targets on land, key transportation points and ships near the coast. It can also intercept and fight enemy aircraft. It has two WP-6 after burning type of turbojet engines, a fuselage 15,65 meters long, a height of 4.33 meters, and a wingspan of 9,68 meters.