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Battlefield 4 Operation Outbreak: Enter the dense jungle to battle for supremacy in a valley with a medical research facility. The valley is infantry-focused with limited access, making the use of agile vehicles (such as RHIB’s on the river, quad bikes for fast transportation, and light attack vehicles) critical for success. Release Date: October 27, 2015.

All of the Battlefield 4 Map images in this section have been captured and edited by Battlefield Informer.
Battlefield 4 Operation Outbreak - 4
Battlefield 4 Operation Outbreak - 4
Battlefield 4 Operation Outbreak
This free download puts players into the midst of Operation Outbreak, a dense infantry-focused jungle map.

Key Features:
Use the environment. Players can fight in the abandoned medical research facility, lay down fire at an ancient temple near a waterfall, or destroy houses as the enemy looks for cover in a vacant town.

Find and drive agile vehicles. The thick jungle has limited access, so players should take advantage of agile vehicles like rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIBs) on the river and quad bikes on land.

Dominate in a variety of modes. Includes classic game modes Conquest, Rush, Gun Master, Chain Link, and many more. Learn more about Battlefield 4 Community Operations